Eric Van Wonterghem, una figura important de l’escena de la música electrònica de Bèlgica, va cofundar Absolute Body Control i The Klinik, deixant un impacte durador en el gènere industrial/EBM europeu. Entre principis i mitjans dels 90, sorgiria un nou so industrial amb èmfasi en tambors i percussions molt distorsionades sota el nom de “soroll rítmic”. Eric, al capdavant d’aquest so, aviat crearia el seu projecte d’artista en solitari Monolith. Recentment, va llançar el ben rebut àlbum de 17 cançons “CONCRETE PLAYGROUND” al segell alemany HANDS. Coneguda per actuacions en directe captivadores i amb un ric llegat musical, Monolith continua sent una força influent en el panorama de la música industrial i electrònica.
Eric Van Wonterghem, a significant figure in Belgium’s electronic music scene, co-founded Absolute Body Control and The Klinik, leaving a lasting impact on the European industrial/EBM genre. During the early to mid 90’s a new industrial sound with an emphasis on heavily distorted drums and percussions would emerge under the name “rhythmic noise”. Eric, at the forefront of this sound, would soon create his solo artist project Monolith. Recently, he released the well received 17-track album “CONCRETE PLAYGROUND” on the German label HANDS. Known for captivating live performances and with a rich musical legacy, Monolith remains an influential force in the industrial and electronic music landscape.