Us presentem ManMachine, la col·laboració musical de Goran Uroich i Roland XP50, procedents de Croàcia. El 2011 van publicar el seu àlbum debut “Now I’m Immortal”, seguit un parell d’anys més tard pel segon àlbum titulat “Almost Better Than Silence”. Al costat d’aquests àlbums, van lliurar dos EP: “I Hate Human Race” i “Two Songs About Death”. El 2017, el disc de gramòfon “ManMachine – ManMachine” va ser llançat sota Oraculo Records, i la seva exploració artística va continuar amb el seu darrer EP “What If There’s Nothing There?”

La música que creen és fosca, evocadora i profundament commovedora.


Introducing ManMachine, the musical collaboration of Goran Uroich and Roland XP50, hailing from Croatia. In 2011, they released their debut album “Now I’m Immortal,” followed a couple of years later by the second album titled “Almost Better Than Silence”. Alongside these albums, they delivered two EPs: “I Hate Human Race” and “Two Songs About Death.” In 2017, the gramophone record “ManMachine – ManMachine” was released under Oraculo records, and their artistic exploration continued with their latest EP “What If There’s Nothing There?”

The music they create is dark, evocative, and deeply stirring.