Takafumi Okada, un productor i bateria japonès, és conegut per la seva polifacètica carrera. Sota el seu projecte en solitari, Manisdron, fusiona amb habilitat la bateria, la veu i els sintetitzadors per crear una fusió distintiva d’influències industrials, EBM, New Wave i Techno. En particular, Takafumi ha publicat un EP i un LP a través de L.I.E.S. Records a Nova York, mostrant la seva versatilitat musical i contribucions a l’escena musical internacional.

Més enllà del seu treball en solitari, col·labora com a bateria de dues bandes, THE NOUP i GOAT, i també gestiona el seu segell discogràfic independent, Cathodic Records.


Takafumi Okada, a Japanese producer and drummer, is celebrated for his multifaceted career. Under his solo project, Manisdron, he adeptly melds drums, vocals, and synthesizers to craft a distinctive fusion of Industrial, EBM, New Wave, and Techno influences. Notably, Takafumi has released an EP and LP through L.I.E.S. Records in New York, showcasing his musical versatility and contributions to the international music scene.

Beyond his solo work, he contributes as the drummer for two bands, THE NOUP and goat, and also manages his independent record label, Cathodic Records.