Influenciat pel dark minimal synth, el synthpunk i la música gòtica, Carlos GrabStein va desenvolupar el seu estil, buscant fusions modernes d’Industrial/EBM i altres gèneres electrònics contemporanis. Ha actuat als principals festivals underground europeus com Wave Gotik Treffen, Burning Man, Waveteef, Gothic Pogo Festival, Decadence, mentre dirigia el seu segell discogràfic “Miseria”.

El 2018, va col·laborar amb Petra Flurr com a 89s†, llançant el seu àlbum debut, “Monotone Zone”. Van fer la seva primera gira europea i americana aquell mateix any i un parell d’anys després van publicar el seu segon àlbum, “Trübe Stadt”, a Oraculo Records. Carlos torna aquest any a OMBRA en format DJ.


Influenced by dark minimal synth, synthpunk, and Gothic music, Carlos GrabStein developed his style, seeking modern fusions of Industrial/EBM and other contemporary electronic genres. He’s performed at major European underground festivals such as Wave Gotik Treffen, Burning Man, Waveteef, Gothic Pogo Festival, Decadence, while running his record label “Miseria”.

In 2018, he collaborated with German singer Petra Flurr as 89s†, releasing their debut album, “Monotone Zone.” They went on their first European and American tour that same year and a couple of years later published their second album, “Trübe Stadt,” on Oraculo Records. Carlos returns to OMBRA this year in DJ format.