Ramón Moya, DJ i Productor establert a Barcelona, va passar de ser un col·leccionista de discos a convertir-se en DJ i productor professional a nivell nacional. Va començar explorant gèneres com el Rock and Roll, la New Wave i el post-punk i finalment va aprofundir en el Techno i el House als anys 90. Va fundar Funkdango Music Recordings i va guanyar reconeixement amb llançaments com “The Player Rmx’03” per a Vendetta Records. Al llarg dels anys, ha mantingut residències de DJ en esdeveniments com DISORDER i ha contribuït a recopilacions i remixes per a Banshees Records, consolidant la seva influència duradora i presència creativa a l’escena musical.


Ramón Moya, a DJ and Producer based in Barcelona, transitioned from being a record collector to becoming a professional DJ and producer on a national level. He began by exploring genres such as Rock and Roll, New Wave, and post-punk eventually delving into Techno and House in the ’90s. He founded Funkdango Music Recordings and gained recognition with releases like “The Player Rmx’03” for Vendetta Records. Over the years, he has maintained DJ residencies at events like DISORDER and contributed to compilations and remixes for Banshees Records, solidifying his lasting influence and creative presence in the music scene.


With over 30 years of experience, Uri Callejo is an iconic DJ hailing from Barcelona, who has devoted his career to event production, with a strong emphasis on the subculture scene and unwavering support for Barcelona’s local talent. He possesses an extensive vinyl collection, and his sets are dynamic, encompassing a variety of styles, with a primary focus on techno, house, acid, and experimental music. He is an active member of several collectives, including the Discos Paradiso crew, Doppler Collective, and Das Klub (formerly Clubber Magazine).