Conegut pels seus eslògans polèmics com “Aus dem Patriarchat macht Gurkensalat!” (Converteix el patriarcat en amanida de cogombre!), el duet navega per contradiccions i terrenys relliscosos en la seva música. Començant per “Ungestüme Reiter” (Choléra Cosmique, 2020) i “Untergang und Finsternis” (Detriti, 2021), barrejant EBM, post-punk i synthpop, ara s’han aventurat en la dansa i el house de Chicago amb “Auf der Suche nach der”. nit verlorenen” (Jove i fred, primavera 2023). En algun lloc entre el rave i la poesia i tocant la corda amb el públic tant jove com gran, la música de Karl Kave i Durian ofereix un ball rodó de romanticisme fosc, humor, follia i Hochkultur.


Known for their polemic slogans like “Aus dem Patriarchat macht Gurkensalat!” (Turn the patriarchy into cucumber salad!), the duo navigates through contradictions and slippery terrains in their music. Starting with “Ungestüme Reiter” (Choléra Cosmique, 2020) and “Untergang und Finsternis” (Detriti, 2021), blending EBM, post-punk, and synthpop, they have now ventured into dance and Chicago house with “Auf der Suche nach der verlorenen Night” (Young and Cold, Spring 2023). Somewhere between Rave and poetry and striking a chord with both younger and older audiences, Karl Kave & Durian’s music offers a round dance of dark romanticism, humor, folly, and Hochkultur.